1. Fitness
Running helps you get in shape and is one of the easiest ways to achieve your ideal body weight. Not only does it help with your outside appearance, but it also helps with your bodily functions. Also, running is the base of many sports so once you are in shape you are capable of being a more competitive player. Or you can take part in many other adventurous activities (hiking, rock climbing, ect.) with your new found endurance!
2. Health Benefits
Studies have shown that running can help prevent obesity, high blood pressure, some cancers and other risks. While running is not a cure, it is an easy way to exercise that shows the best results for preventing these ailments. Running helps maintain the elasticity of your arteries which reduces your risk for a heart attack or stroke.
3. FOOD!
On average you burn 500 calories by running for 30 minutes. If you constantly run during the week you can eat more food (including my favorite, CARBS) without feeling guilty. By far this is my favorite benefit of running because I know after a long run I can eat much more than the suggested 2,000 calories a day to make up for the calories I burned. Bring on the pasta!
4. Helps you live longer
Unlike the chocolate in Spongebob, running can actually prolong your life! Your muscles and bones grow stronger by maintaining this physical activity and you are less likely to have weak muscles or osteoporosis as you age. Researchers say non-smokers who run for around 30 minutes each day, five times a week live three years longer than the average person.
5. Positive Attitude!
Running is proved to enhance your mood. After a hard workout or run I always feel accomplished and less stressed. On a run I am able to clear my thoughts and release all my worries.While running you release hormones, endocannabinoids and endorphins, that can even improve the mood of someone with depression (and sometimes it works better than anti-depressant medication). This is commonly known as the runners high because the endorphins released create a sense of euphoria. So while you may dread tying up those laces and thinking of the miles ahead of you, you will feel great at the end of the run.
Sources: http://www.runnersworld.com/health/6-ways-running-improves-your-health?page=single