Saturday, November 29, 2014

7 Things You Need to Know Before Playing a Board Game

Board games are traditionally something that we have played with our families on holidays or the weekends growing up. You may even continue the enjoyment of playing these games as an adult (if you are lucky to find the friends who are willing to do so). However, you might find yourself saying "Sorry!" outside of the game if you don't know the proper etiquette of playing board games. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Don't judge a game by it's cover

     Games, like Farkle, are not what they seem. Farkle may sound similar to a bodily function; however, it is a dice game where you shout "farkle!" if you over roll your dice (like blackjack in that sense). Be optimistic when playing a game for the first time, even if others have given you their unsatisfied opinions about it. Give the game a second chance if you had a bad experience playing it the first time with a certain group of people. The next time you play, it could possibly be your new favorite game.
  2. Know who you are playing with

     Before starting a game you should know what types of people you are playing with (are they competitive, easy going, a sore loser? ). If you know beforehand then you know what you are getting yourself into and how to react when certain moves are dealt. Depending on their perception, the quality of the game can be affected along with your enjoyment of board games altogether. If you are playing with a positive person it is likely that you will want to play again.

  3.  Learn the rules

    It is important to learn the rules before starting a game because how else will you know how to begin! (How much money do you start with? How many cards do I deal?) Reading the rules fully ahead of time simply clarify the gray areas of the game that you come across (if you land on "go to jail" you must go to jail until you roll doubles, with the exception of get out of free jail cards). Also, the number one reason to read the instructions is to learn the mission of the game!

  4. Don't cheat! 

    A good way to ruin a game is to cheat. Once you cheat you lose the trust of the other players and the game could be over before you know it (with no one coming out the winner). Having competitive players make the games fun, however those going to the extent of cheating causes the players to argue over trivial moves on the board. The only board game where cheating is acceptable, is if you play the word in Scrabble.


    And don't be afraid to call someone out if they are cheating because it sucks the fun out of playing, what is in FACT, a game.
  5.  Play as often as possible

    Set a time, date, and place to play. Games are a good way to get to know others better and forget about daily stress. A set night can become a great ritual for your friends or family to reconnect after a long week. Don't forget that the more you play, the better you will be!

  6. Be a good sport

    Trust me we have all been there, but having a rough game is not the end of the world. Although, it may be the end of playing board games with friends. Even if you LOVE board games, no one wants to play with a sore loser. Make sure you have a good attitude going into a game and remember that your actions affect everyone at the table.
  7.  Have fun!

      The most important thing to remember it to have fun! The main reason for playing board games in the first place is to have a good time with the people you enjoy spending time with. Take a step back during the game and think about why you are playing. Keep laughing and smiling and before you know it, everyone is having a blast.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Controversal Arches

The McDonald's arches have been known to symbolize obesity (especially in regards to America) and the poor health choices people make because of their fast food. They also represent this new "need to have it now" generation we live in, where our patience is spread thin and while our food may be unhealthy, it is in fact fast.

While, the golden arches have these associations I believe there is an argument within them. Like I said it has become a symbol for poor nutrition, however people make the choice to purchase their meals and have many options to choose from. McDonald's has made strides in trying to comply with these complaints and create healthier options. They have made an attempt at healthier menu items (such as the chicken wraps and salads) to comply with the demand of healthier foods, but it is impossible to please everyone. There are many critics out there who are disgusted with McDonald's, but I think the real argument is whether we should be criticizing McDonald's menu instead of the consumers who keep it in demand. People often complain about their how bad the meals are for their children, yet they continue to buy happy meals for them. These critics need to keep in mind that there is only so much the fast food industry can do for healthier options (substituting kids fries for apples and milk for sodas). Many believe that healthier implies more expensive, however their salads, wraps, and fruit are not significantly more expensive than the other choices and some are even included on their dollar menu.

I believe McDonald's often gets a bad rap when it comes to our harsh consumer society. The arches also represent a successful corporation that gives jobs to many people worldwide and makes contributions to the Olympics, the Ronald McDonald House, and offers grants/scholarships to give back to the global community. My dad works for the software development company owned by McDonald's and there are many events that he attends for charities, such as golf outings that are auctions for the Ronald McDonald House. While my dad may not love his job (since it is not his ideal career) they still provide him with good benefits and he is a part of a company that takes full responsibility for their products and pride in their brand. I have multiple friends that work for McDonald's (as cashiers and work on the food line) and absolutely love the people and atmosphere they are immersed in. For me when I see the arches lit up it symbolizes childhood and growing up. It represents the company I've grown to know because of my father's outings and being able to play with the software on take your daughter to work days as a kid. Maybe I've been lucky to know people with good experiences and to have had them myself, but I don't believe the corporation is as malicious as the public wants to believe.

Next time when grabbing a bag with the golden arches on it we need to consider the fact that we made the choice to buy that double cheese burger with fries. The golden arches represent so much more than fast food.